I was not "dissing" your "vampish-ness." Objective observation....just like the rest of my post.
i find that i still have an internal dialogue - a bit like i used to when i walked around talking to god like my life depended on it trying to cultivate that elusive relationship with him.
i like to call it internal dialogue because otherwise they could bring in the mental health professionals...don't ask me who "they" are - do i look/act/sound paranoid?!
so before "they" take me away: do you still find you talk to yourself in your head when you see things of especial beauty that might previously have inspired a prayer of thanks (and maybe still do - don't worry i am over with the castigation of the religious, for now!)?
I was not "dissing" your "vampish-ness." Objective observation....just like the rest of my post.
i find that i still have an internal dialogue - a bit like i used to when i walked around talking to god like my life depended on it trying to cultivate that elusive relationship with him.
i like to call it internal dialogue because otherwise they could bring in the mental health professionals...don't ask me who "they" are - do i look/act/sound paranoid?!
so before "they" take me away: do you still find you talk to yourself in your head when you see things of especial beauty that might previously have inspired a prayer of thanks (and maybe still do - don't worry i am over with the castigation of the religious, for now!)?
I have always talked out loud to myself. When my voice is "in the air" I can "hear" my thoughts in a way that does not happen if I keep in inside. By listening to what I am going ot say to someone, I can modify or change the words to better state the ideas I want to get across.
Cell phones are a great invention for people like me: I can talk to myself in the car or in the yard and people think I am on the phone!
On last thought...I have noticed this about you: you paint yourself as a bit of a vamp, a tart, a bit out there: know what I think?
I think you are a lot like our son, Adam: "naturally" spiritual and intiuativly in touch with the Divine. It will be no surprise to me that I will see you walk into our Lord's Kingdom far ahead of struggling fools like this old hillbilly. You are just a bit on the fringes now: later, when a lot of dust settles: you will be as center as any one can be.
With you in this Journey,
when you left or was dfed, daed how many people did it affect or effect?.
when the berlin wall came down, even before the offical dissolution of the soviet union, the watchtower was quick to back away from the idea that russia was the king of the north.
nothing really changed.
true, there is an appearance of friendship and cooperation between russia and the us but russia is the one country that can totally destroy the usa.
Thank you for the time and effort of your post.
In this stage of my Journey, I, thankfully, could care less about prophesy interpertation. If some one told me the King of the South was going to start ruling from the Magic Kingdom in California (NOT Florida) I would listen intently and just "go on...."
It is such a have no idea.....or maybe you do.....
Any how, thank you, again, for your stimulating post.
Yours in this Journey,
It is one thirty in the morning...I was waiting for this storm line to pass through. I HATE tornado season in the Midwest: we live in SW MO. I love the cold of winter and the stability of that season: no tornados. I could be looking at a lot of stuff on the net. I am glad I can spend a few minutes with folks of Common History and Concerns.
Take care, bro.....
I thought what you posted was great...did not know how to approach a comment.
Tears are an indication of emotional movement: in a deeper sense than laughter. Wisdom tends to focus on the more serious consequences of action and thought. A wise person will speak slowly, listen carefully, allow meditation before action or word.....wisdom is more somber....foundational.
We have grown wiser about Life, generally, and the WT, specifically in this section of our Journey. And, it has been "with tears." Inwardly for all. Externally for most. Tears of sorrow, loss, frustration, shear pissed off.....
We are better for it: wiser.
Just a thought or two,
(romans 8:12-17) nwt.
12 so, then, brothers, we are under obligation, not to the flesh to live in accord with the flesh; 13 for if you live in accord with the flesh you are sure to die; but if you put the practices of the body to death by the spirit, you will live.
14 for all who are led by gods spirit, these are gods sons.15 for you did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but you received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: "abba, father!
Back up to the first few verses of Chapter 8: there are ONLY two roads: spirit or flesh. Just two. Two.
Always there are two roads: At Siani: "I lay before you life and death, the blessing and the malidiction...."
Jesus: Serman on the Mount: Broad and Narrow
John on loving the bothers: Son of God because we love, Son of Satan if we do not.
There always, always is just two paths.
Same in Romans 8.
Spirit or Flesh.
We are one or the other.
If we are NOT of the Flesh: everything else applies to all who hear, accept, and respond to the Good News Jesus was talking about in Math. 24:14 and Paul was talking about, here.
Yours in this Journey,
right- we've been thinking about this.. .
it seems that most da letters are: doctrinal, personal, emotional or or major issues such un etc .
and completely understandably so..but.. .
I need some help: is this to "whacked" or filled with "black humor" to post?
Dear Brothers,
I believe I need to leave off the meetings and association with Jehovah's people...for now. I want, desperately to come back. Please consider the following and appoint, I beg you, one of the Elders to assist me.
Have you ever thought about comming into the Kingdom Hall and shooting someone? Or, many? I mean "cap" a dozen or so brothers and sisters? I have and it scares me. I am going to see a medical doctor about this as soon as I can afford the visit and whatever therapy and medicaiton they recommend. I feel a sense of pent up violence to those closest to me. I do not know what to do.
So, please, have one Elder visit me. I think an older or unmarried Elder would be best: someone without the responsibility of a family. Warn them to ring the doorbell in the following pattern: two long and three short rings. Be sure to do this. Do not stand directly in front of the door: stand off to one side when ringing.
I do love you all so and look forward to working with you to resolve my situation.
Thank you,
It fills the gap between "H" and "J."
Also, it begins most sentences concerning opinion:
"I think...."
"I believe..."
what impact has this site had on you, good, bad or plain old ugly?.